
Monday, May 12, 2008

Dec 6 9 pm …….it is said that only God is perfect. It is said that God is the perfect angel and Satan the lesser angel. If God is perfect then should he be punishing Satan by cursing him that let evil be him. In our lives we are taught and told to forgive them who wronged us. We are taught to love them. Will it be possible for the imperfect man to forgive the wrong doers if the perfect one himself cannot? Hmm, so is not the whole concept wrong? Or did I get it wrong? Correct me if I did……

Dec 31 11 pm ……….’morrow a new year dawns and with that new thoughts and new hopes. Think of today, forget the unwanted past, cherish the sweetest memories. With a prayer in your lips welcome the future. The future is full of life, full of mysteries, full of all those you can’t even think of. But it is there for us to unveil and that is what that keeps us going, always hoping…..

April 13 7.35 pm ……………….. I wish me to be happy, to be contended under all circumstances. i want me to give me the best of best in me. I am proud of me and will always be. I wish to be full of confidence and integrity that will never falter……

Sept 22 8.30 pm … I attended my first job interview. The Google conducted 2 written tests at our college and short listed 11 students for the interview. The interview actually had three stages. In the first round I was interviewed by Mr. prem. That one went smoothly. But crashed out in the second round. Poor me. Any ways it was good experience………

Oct 21 11.45 pm ……. Today was definitely a ‘day’. Till 4 in the eve it was alright. Then we planned an outing. First to arappura house coz mama had forgotten her mob and hand bag there. Then to Planetarium and the beach. That was our plan. Thus we reached arappura , retrieved mamma’s things, got back into the car and that was when every thing took a comic turn. The car would not start, so papa went to find a mechanic. Meanwhile a police jeep arrived on the scene. At least half a dozen policemen got down to help us. They were mamma's colleagues. And the entire passerby’s and the locals were staring at us. They must have thought that we had a bomb……. We reached beach by 7 n then pops mob rang. We got back into the car and found that the back wheels were deeply immersed in the loose sand. With help of some guys we got the car back on road by 7.30. we reached the place and pops n mama went to attend the cremation ceremony while we waited in the car. It was a bit scary being parked near a small wood, darkness and an eerie silence adding to our discomfiture.........................................

Excerpts from my diary……...........

Feb 15 7.15 pm ……… first memory of my infant days is a very cute one. Trying to lick honey from my mother’s fingers. The taste must have been really sweet, the tang of honey flavored with my mother’s sweetness. ….. The very first memory of my school days….hmmm…without doubt a beautiful park (guess it was the real reason I agreed to go to school in the first place). A beautiful park, an enchanting play house, toys, board games, cycles, lots of grounds and very friendly teachers. That was at Vishwajanina. Then the sisters of Carmel, the park again, the grounds, the various activities. Moved on to Nirmala, to become a true nirmalite to the core. The beautiful grounds of nirmala Bhavan, all those lovely trees, and their shades were our favorite haunts. It was there I forged life long friendships. The teachers were more friends, second mothers to us and not simply knowledge imbibers…. It was at this place I spend 10 wonderful years of my life, where I learned to learn, behave, enjoy and above all to love with all my heart… Then moved on to Bhavans. A good school and good teachers. But somehow the atmosphere there was very different from what I was used to. The 2 years there sped fast. Now at NSS College. A very nice place. With good teachers and good friends. In 3 years time I would have left here and found a new place. I hope it will also be a good one. Then one day I want to try the mountains and after that bikes… one day I want to own my own business however small it may. One day I want to become a successful civil servant. Someday I want to marry and be the part of a very beautiful family. And some day I wish to travel the world with just a back pack. I hope all these days will come in my life. I fervently hope it so. I long to see the day when I will recognize that I have fulfilled all these wishes……….